My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)
My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)
My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)
My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)
Colonne du Soi - Réparation
Réparation Structurelle Biologique
Le processus de réparation de la Colonne du Soi corrige le développement de la structure cellulaire qui réunit les gènes, et rétablit une colonne parfaite.
Les différents problèmes de peurs existentielles, rôles rigides, et personnalité fragmentée, disparaissent.
La réparation de la Colonne du Soi restaure un sentiment d'exister et de savoir qui on est, présent dans tout l’axe corporel, unique et uni.
Voici une liste des problématiques les plus courantes que je rencontre avec les gens qui ont une Colonne du Soi endommagée :
- Ne pas savoir qui on est vraiment, ne pas avoir d'identité, se sentir perdu dans sa vie
- Ne pas arriver à s’exprimer, exprimer son opinion, ne pas savoir dire Non
- Vouloir plaire à tout le monde, et vivre au travers des autres
- Se sentir fragile, pas assez solide, pas ancré en soi-même
- Se sentir comme un caméléon dans la vie, avec les gens, à s'adapter aux
autres, notamment pour leur plaire/connecter avec eux
- Indécisions dans la prise de décisions/choix, prises de décisions longue/compliquée et basées sur une logique, change d’idées très souvent
- Peurs, anxiétés, fort stress lorsque l'on est dans de nouvelles situations, nouvelles rencontres, on vit de grand changements dans notre vie, et lorsqu'on essaie d'aller au centre de soi-même
- Avoir une relation fusionnelle OU difficile/distante avec 1 ou 2 de nos parents
- Défendre son opinion et devoir avoir raison
- Avoir l'impression d'avoir plusieurs personnalités et en changer souvent sans forcément se rappeler ou être d'accord avec ses propres décisions, ses actions précédentes.
Si vous vous reconnaissez dans une ou plusieurs des problématiques listées ci-dessus, contactez-moi
--> En savoir plus <--
My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)
My services are for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
If you have fears, great fears, worries, stress, sadness, a feeling of loss/lack, you feel depressed/abandoned, recurrent concerns
I you can't succeed to take actions in your life and/or you feel stuck
If you are going through a break-up and that's difficult for you
If you want to be free of emotional dependency, emotional shocks (traumas), of limiting beliefs, of thoughts, of social and family conditioning
If you are experiencing something recurrent (repetitive patterns, emotions, physical sensations (not medical)), and that maybe you already had tried many processes to be free of it but without any success
If you are already on the path of self-help / you are committed to your self-growth and wish to live from your authenticity, to be freer and happier
If you feel that you are trapped, stuck, lost, undecided in your life, in your self-growth, in your expansion, in your progress
If you just want to improve your happiness, joy, freedom, to know yourself better, to be truer, to take more expansion at your spiritual, emotional and mind level
My services are not suited for (if you recognize yourself in this list):
I don't connect with my emotions
I don't feel my body, and I cut myself out of my physical sensations
I am or have been suicidal in the last 2 years
I have a medical condition that I want to heal (diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia. cancer, etc...)
I have been diagnosed by a doctor with one or many heavy mental conditions
·I have one or several addictions that I want to heal (alcohol, smoking, eating disorder, drugs, etc...)